Title: IMPACT OF ONG INTERVENTIONS ON THE EMPOWERMENT OF POOR WOMEN. Case of the Vakinankaratra region. Madagascar»
Authors: RANDRIANIRINA Herimamy Henintsoa Raphael, RANDRIANARISON Jean Gabriel, RANDRIANANTENAINA Nathalie Daniela and ANDRIANARIZAKA Hantatiana Henimpitia

Poverty has long been a topic of discussion at both the national and community levels. Women are a particularly affected group. Deprived of a qualitative change in their lives, women are mainly the most affected by poverty. Reducing women’s poverty in particular is becoming a priority. For ONGs, holding the role of the intervener in this fight and ensuring the sustainability of their interventions present great challenges. Thus, the question arises as to how ONGs adapt their actions to the feminization of poverty. The results of a survey of 156 women in the Vakinankaratra region on the dimensions of female poverty confirmed the hypothesis that ONGs accompany women in need in their empowerment.

Keywords: Women, Poverty, ONGs, Indicators, Empowerment
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52267/IJASER.2023.4102
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