Authors: Victor Otieno Mony and Eric Sifuna Siunduh

Environmental issues are receiving global attention as man worries whether his activities will lead to his extinction. Concerns over carbon emission levels that eventually lead to climate change and global warming are ubiquitous. World leaders and environmental stakeholders have in present times concerned themselves with findings on the possibility of sustainability of the environment for future generations. Amidst these uncertainties, green computing was born as a way of ensuring that Information Technology maintains an eco-friendly operational environment. Since the inception of green computing, computing technologies have maintained a rapid trend towards its adoption. The paradigm shift of technology towards distributed computing architecture has propelled the adoption and use of green cloud computing which is presently being angled as among the most viable energy-saving technological inventions of our times. Researchers also view green cloud computing as the best channel through which operational costs can be lowered and environmental carbon footprints effectively checked. This paper examines green computing, settles on green cloud computing, and discusses the current and future trends of green cloud computing. This research work aims to create awareness and sensitize the public on the need to not only adopt green computing but to also move with the trends presented by green cloud computing. The paper discusses green cloud computing trends and groups them into environmental sustainability, power management techniques, e-waste management, and energy-efficient coding.

Keywords: Green Computing, Green Cloud Computing, Rare Earth Elements, Power Usage Effectiveness, Virtualization, Data centers, Cloud Computing Services, Cloud Service Providers.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.52267/IJASER.2024.5210
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Date of Publication: 08-05-2024