Authors: RAOELISON Lala Tahiana, ANDRIANARIZAKA Haritiana Harimpitia, RAKOTONDRAMANANA Andry Lova Herizo and RAKOTOMALALA Eddy

The current economic context, characterised by intense and persistent competition, underlines the crucial importance of human capital in business competitiveness. These situations are prompting organisations to give strategic priority to their human resources, given that innovation and creativity, the drivers of organisational development, emanate from human effort. It is becoming imperative to guide employees towards career paths aligned with their skills and aptitudes in order to guarantee organisational performance. The focus on skills has become widespread in organisations, giving rise to a variety of approaches and reflections in the field of management. In the specific context of the hotel sector in Madagascar, which is characterised by a diversification of the offer to meet the varied expectations of travellers, employee skills are of particular importance. The growth of tourism in the country has stimulated the development of the hotel sector, but its expansion cannot be sustained without adequate skills. Hence the question: How can collective skills ensure the performance of hotel establishments? Through a survey of 250 employees of hotel establishments, this research aims to verify the importance of collective skills in the performance of hotel establishments in Madagascar. In short, this study aims to understand and optimise the crucial role of skills in organisational performance, by highlighting their specific impact in the hotel sector in Madagascar.

Keywords: Competence, Knowledge, Team, Sharing, Performance.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.52267/IJASER.2024.5201
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Date of Publication: 18-03-2024